Mia: 29 years old, female, Londoner, consumer, teacher, penpal, sister, wife, animal lover, dreamer, planner, crafter, joker, love. My Instagram

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Buon Natale!

How was your Christmas day?

Mine consisted of eating oysters, goose, drinking champagne and taking a nap due to exhaustion (also known as too much food consumption).

I got pretty home sick when I spoke to my family in London and they were all a little tipsy and kept asking about presents etc. But I had a good day, nonetheless. I'll be hanging my stocking up on the 5th of January for La Befana!

And if I don't get sweeties, I will be a very unhappy little girl indeed ;)

1 comment:

  1. I slept all day due to too much consumption the night before. : )

