Mia: 29 years old, female, Londoner, consumer, teacher, penpal, sister, wife, animal lover, dreamer, planner, crafter, joker, love. My Instagram

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Well, the horrid day came. I took my bf to Victoria station so he could get the train to the airport and I don't know when I'll next see him :'(

I had to cheer myself up and I nearly bought the softest pj's/lounging clothes ever from Primark, but I resisted. I did however buy some new nail varnish, which I've been wanting to do for a while.

Collection 2000, £1.79 each, but were on offer at 2 for £3

I quickly tried them out over my chipped red nails and the pictures weren't any better than the rushed job I did, so maybe I'll show you better pictures when I've taken the time to paint my nails nicely.

I also bought some postcards from paperchase to send to my beloved when he gets a more permanent address. It's going to be poo without him. I'm going to fill my time with learning and planning and lists. Yes, lists sound like a good way to keep busy, I'm going to get started!


  1. oh no :( I"m in a long distance relationship so I know how you feel sweety!

  2. Long distance sucks :( I will be going out in the next couple of months, but it's the not knowing that is the worst :'(

  3. Hello, I am a friend of Jennifer and I got your blog through her. I'm sorry if English is not good but use a translator. if you want to come in my blog I'll be very happy. good evening .. Lolly
